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+ Added choreography clip (Hyoyeon’s version)

+ Added guide to finding screensavers/choreography clip/more pictures/etc.

The official microsite featuring the girls has now opened at http://cowaygirls.payfree.co.kr/index.asp and not only can you listen to the girls’ ‘Coway Song’ and gawk at the new promo pictures, but you can also watch new CF clips (including a few individual ones and dance clip) and download ‘Coway’ screensavers!

Starting off with the new CF/related clips found on the site:

For those who prefer to listen to the ‘Coway Song’ through Youtube:

To watch the dance clip or download screensavers/’Coway Song’ on the microsite, follow this guide:

Promo pictures found on the site:

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Credits: ferrerorocher9@SNSDKorean.com (for some screencapped pictures) + Yurui (LovAEnAi) [ Yurui.kr ] jeongs1127@twitter + Coway Microsite + Coway Naver Site + Enos, rxp080100@Soompi + respective uploaders on Youtube