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As you know, Tiffany was cast as Carmen Diaz in the play “FAME“.  Well yesterday, December 21, was her first appearance on the stage!  She did a great job according to fans and fellow actors! *Beware media heavy!*

Congrats to Tiffany for debuting on the stage with an outstanding performance!  That eye smile couldn’t be shining any brighter!  In attendance for her first show were fellow SNSD members Taeyeon and Sunny!

She also received kind words from co-star, Super Junior’s Eunhyuk!  He said, “Fany-ya!!! Congratulations for the first stage ~ good work!!! Very good~ for the remaining performances fighting!!! FAME!!!”

And now for the pictures…

Also check out the ending here via fancam

Credits: wonderfulgeneration.net, sonems.net, Eunhyuk’s twitter, pictures as tagged