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Amazing as it may seem, even the costumes worn by the angelic 9 get a tour schedule of their own !

The popularity of the 9 ladies has prompted Tower Records in Japan to hold special exhibitions of the girls’ stage outfits in 3 cities as part of the ongoing promotions for the new album “Japan 1st Album–Girls’ Generation“.

The exhibition started on May 31st in Tower Records’s music stores in Shibuya and Shinjuku in Tokyo as well as in Nagoya and Osaka, coinciding nicely with the girls’ first Japanese tour concert at Osaka Castle Hall, which had a total attendance of about 10,000 people.

It certainly looks like everything the 9 angels do (or wear in this instance) comes up roses 😀 . Do check out the following photos and enjoy !

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A little bizarre indeed to see the costumes without the usual occupants present in them, but pretty interesting nonetheless ;).

by: Kenneth@snsdkorean

sources: Korea Times, http://tieba.baidu.com, soshified.com