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Official pictures from the SBS drama “Fashion King” have been released!  The show will first air March 12th at 9:55PM.  The drama is about young aspiring fashion designers all the way up to world class designers battling it out for supremacy.  It’s based at Dongdaemun Market in Seoul (known as a hot spot for cheap, trendy clothes).  And, of course, it wouldn’t be a drama without love triangles.  So watch the fireworks fly in this drama!

Check out each character’s official profiles below for the drama!

SNSD’s Kwon Yuri will be playing the role of Choi Anna, a girl in her early 20’s who looks perfectly polished on the outside, but deep inside, desperately longs for companionship. She worked so hard to appear confident, and developed a thick skin in order to endure her life that is full of pain and heartache. But now, she’s ready to stop pretending.

Actor Lee Jae Hoon will play the role of Jung Jae Hyuk, a male in his late 20’s. He has always had it all, and never felt like he was missing anything in life. That is, until he meets a girl that gives him something to live for.

Shin Sae Kyung will be playing the role of Lee Ga Young, a woman in her early 20’s who although lived a difficult life but never gave up on hope of better days. She was determined that she too, would one day become a designer just like her mother. One fateful day she meets a new man, and the two of them seek out to fulfill their dreams together.

Actor Yoo Ah In will play the role of Kang Young Gul, a male in his late 20’s who has never had real goals, or dreamt of a bright future. He let others walk all over him his entire life, and only prayed that he would never cause any harm to hinderance to anyone. In a world where he was told that having a vision for life was foolish, he meets a woman who inspires him to run towards his dreams.

Credits: wonderfulgeneration.net