

EDIT: ADDED MORE PICTURES AND A BETTER FAN CAM OF THE DANCE BATTLE. You can actually see Yuri and Hyo in this <333. I bumped the post up cause i added some new stuff

Basically every video, pictures, news, and etc. will be posted in here for easy access (:

Is the weather really nice in Bangkok? I see the girls arriving in shorts and capris. I’m excitedd

Pictures of arrival

credits; ebc@jphip, bellisima@ssf, and as tagged

I always love these kind of airport pictures like last years HB. the girls personal style is the best.

Another airport fan cam

credits; mimiirin

Fans Singing Happy Birthday to Soo!

credits; mimiirin

The thai fans are so sweet (: And in the end soo waves back to them with her cell phone light i think =]

There was more but you cant really see the girls.
credits; nongini, taesmart@soshifanclub.com


credits; zippomaru


credits; bellisima @ jphip for link

Sunny and Jaejoong’s duet

credits; above

More pics
credits; ebc and sev

More fan camss!

credits; uploaders and jphip for linkk

Heres a good fan account from tama@jphip
Sunny was SOOOOO awesome. i was in awe, really. Didn’t know she could sing like that.

I felt really bad for Tae. Her voice was all gone, so it was very, very, hard for her to sing her solo. And on top of that, I think there was something wrong with her in-ear monitor, so she went totally off-key. The camera kept zooming in her face and she looked like she was on the verge of tears.

Everyone loved Gee. And I mean not just Sowon.

Three things that made me jumping with joy (literally);
1. Yuri’s solo dance, especially the split at the end.
2. In GG whre she always cme up with her own move, she did the Thai wai and I just thought it was so cute.
3. She wore the shirt  designed at the end of the concert. It was a desigh for the Thai forum I’m  part of. Last Nov, a staff came to Korea and gave them 2 shirts each (along with other stuffs), the forum tees and the concert tees (not official, also designed by a forum staff). We didn’t expect them to wear these because it was months ago and my design has the url in it and they weren’t supposed to advertise anything. But there they were. yuri, Jessica, seohyun, Taeyeon and Tiffny in the tees with my design and the rest with the forum’s concert tees.

Also, in the beginning, Yuri saw my sign and waved at me. KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.”

^Poor tae man. Hang in there girl! But damn YURI DOIN THE SPLITS? Say whhaaa

Another Gee Fan cam. Longer version. “Listen SM  Town fans” ❤ Tiff you jjang

Goodies- Hyo’s dance

Yuri’s but it includes other artists in the beginning. The fan boy got on my nerves hahaha
yul comes in at the end

hyoyeon-51all credits:astagged (pics), xxdeadline@ soshified (uploads), octieu (for link)

taeyeon-321sunny-95credits for both: as tagged, ebc

Can You Hear Me?

Hyo’s solo was hot stuff, dancing to Goodies. YURI OH MY LANTA. I swear my jaw hit the ground..HER SPLITS were win.

Hyo is right after Yunho, so shes 2nd in the video and Yuri is second to last, right after Eunhyuk and before Junsu. My made in China man Hankyung was lookin good and so was Junsu…


credits to this videoand better dance battle cam: zippomaru

Back in Korea at the airport

Yul and her sunglasses ❤ Soo and a minnie mouse doll LOL.