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It’s no suprise that there is an infatuation with the legs of Shoujo Jidai in Japan…

When watching their Japanese television appearances, it’s not difficult to miss the extra attention the camera gives to the lower half of our beautiful ladies:

Indeed, the flawless pins of SNSD are the envy of many, but exactly how did they obtain legs of model GODDESS-like proportions?

Japan’s NHK Tokyo-Kawaii TV program, recently discussed the secrets behind SNSD’s long and slender stems on a segment they called, quite fittingly, “Secret behind beautiful legs.” The cast and crew personally traveled to Korea, in order to uncover said secrets:

One secret behind SNSD’s legs is skinny jeans. They put more emphasis on their slim legs with skinny jeans,” and showed the colorful skinny jeans that gained much popularity during their ‘Gee’ promotions.

They also met with the members’ official trainer Kim at the A-Team health club, looking into their exercising techniques. Kim stated, “SNSD members did not have their current bodies when they first started. But they really worked hard and exercised consistently, so I think that is why we see such good results today.” He also introduced one exercise routine the members do, and commented, “The hip line is what emphasizes SNSD members’ leg line.”

Netizens who watched the show commented, “The secret to beautiful legs were hips”, “SNSD is really pretty”, and, “They have charms that are different from Japanese idols.” However, one part of these netizens took the report negatively by saying, “I feel like Japan concentrates on the members’ legs too much. I don’t like how they only look at SNSD for their legs.

I actually don’t mind the overemphasis on the girl’s legs in Japan; if you’ve got it, why not flaunt it right? Share your thoughts below.

Source: http://sports.chosun.com/news/ntype2.htm?id=201101250100203450014187&ServiceDate=20110124

Credit: ch0sshi@soshified (translation), iKyruii@youtubeanajal321@youtube

Written by: mikechi@snsdkorean