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+ Added video of the red-carpet event ( the Girls appear at 3:06).

+ Added red carpet close-up shots of the 9 ladies.

+ Added post-award backstage interview with the Girls.

History was made today at the 26th Golden Disk Awards held at the Kyocera Dome in Osaka, Japan, when the 9 ladies of SNSD won the Digital Daesang award, making them the only K-Pop girl group to win a Daesang award 3 times in a row. The 26th Golden Disk Awards was held over 2 days in Osaka, Japan this time around. For the 1st day, SM labelmates, Super Junior swept away the competition by winning 4 major awards (the MSN Japan Award, Popularity Award, Bonsang Award and the highest honour, the Daesang Award for physical album sales).

On the 2nd day of this prestigious event, at approximately 8.40 p.m. (Japan time), the 9 ladies of Girls’ Generation were called onstage to receive the 1st of the 2 awards that they were to win this night, the Digital Bonsang Award for their 2011 Korean single, “The Boys”.

As always, the 9 ladies were quick to thank their fans (SONEs) for this prestigious win.

On a personal note, Taeyeon was quoted as saying: “SONEs gave us so much love and support. When it gets tough and tiring, we thank you for your unconditional love ”.

Next, as a group, the ladies all quipped: “Thank you to the fans who love not only one track ‘The Boys’, but the 3rd album as a whole. In the future, we will be a more hardworking Girls’ Generation”.

However, that was not the end of the good news for our favourite 9 ladies. Approximately 90 minutes later, a 2nd call was made for the beautiful and talented ladies of SNSD to appear onstage again, this time around to receive the Digital Daesang Award, making them the 1st girl group to win 3 Daesang awards in a row 😀 !

The Girls won their first Digital Daesang award in 2009. This was followed by them winning the Disk Daesang award the next year (2010). Now, with the ladies winning the 2011 Digital Daesang award, the Girls have established a record of sorts by being the only girl group thus far to win this number of Daesang awards in a row :lol:.

Remembering that Tiffany missed out on the previous (2010) year’s award ceremony, due to her knee injury sustained during the “Hoot” promotions, this year’s win is extra sweet because now all 9 members can truly partake of the joy of winning this Daesang award together.

All I can honestly say is that full congratulations to the 9 angelic ladies are in order for this epic win :). May the coming year (2012) bring more success to the extremely hardworking and multi-talented ladies of “Girls’ Generation”. SNSD Daebak ! SNSD Jjang !

(Following their epic win, the 9 ladies gave a very insightful and heartfelt interview backstage [see below]. All I can say, after reading the interview transcript, is that the love that the Girls feel for all their fans remains undiminished and that their work ethics are highly commendable indeed :lol:)

The Red Carpet, Performance And Award Images






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Video Of The Red-Carpet Event At The 26th GDA

The Post-Award Backstage Interview With The Girls


What were your thoughts when you were called for the daesang?

(Taeyeon) ”I’m really thankful. Because they called us in Japanese, I didn’t hear it well at first and was taken aback. It turned out they had called Girls’ Generation. (laughs) I can’t stop smiling even now. I’m reminded of last year. We shed tears of joy last year, too. I’m happy they gave it to us again this year.”


-Did you predict your win?


(Tiffany) ”I wanted to receive it. (laughs) But I was nervous because there were other talented and great singers. I told myself I’d be satisfied even without an award because we worked hard last year. But I’m thankful we were given the award.”


-Is there anyone you’re thinking of right now?


(Sooyoung) ”I would have to say our fans are the first to come to mind. We were able to receive this award thanks to our fans. I’m thankful.”


-The members were all sad when receiving the daesang last year because Tiffany wasn’t present due to an injured leg. This year must have been more special because you received it all together.


(Tiffany) ”It felt really good. I think I was the happiest and most excited. I’m happy being with my members and can only think of working harder.”

-What kind of year was 2011 like for Girls’ Generation?

(Jessica) ”It was a very busy year. It was a year where we could meet many fans overseas. If they wait a little, we will go to meet them again.”

-You received the rookie award in 2007, digital daesang in 2009, and Golden Disk daesang in 2010. You recieved the daesang again this year, as well as a bonsang. You have a deep connection with Golden.

(Yuri) ”It’s a real honor. There were many good things after receiving the awards. I think this year will be another happy year.”

-During the past 3 years, you didn’t miss a single daesang, getting the digital daesang one year, the Golden Disk daesang the next, and the digital daesang again this year. Girls’ Generation is the second singer to receive the daesang for three consecutive years following Kim Gunmo.

(Yoona) ”I got goosebumps after hearing that just now. Ah, it feels electrifying hearing ‘three consecutive years’ that I’m getting goosebumps. Thank you, and we will work hard to show good results next year with great performances.”

-You’ve been continuing to rise after your debut. But I think there would have been times where you were tired as an individual. When was that?

(Tiffany) ”There were always hard times, but I was able to overcome those hard times because of my members. I’m thankful to my members.”

-Plans for 2012?

(Seohyun) ”We’ve been having a Japan arena tour since last year. We are planning on continuing our concerts this year. While going around our arena tour, I’ve gained a dream to have a world tour. I want to meet with fans often.”

-A word to fans all over the world.

“Thank you for giving us such a big award. 2012 is also Girls’ Generation!”


by: Kenneth@snsdkorean

sources: Sports Daily, spiceshoe@soshified.com, MoonSoshi9@soshified.com, NeonCyro@soshified.comletaengbutt@soshified.com, Sakura29@soshified.com, xinmsnch0sshi@soshified.com, MoonSoshi9@soshified.comSankeiUp@youtube.com, all other posted images credited as tagged.