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Just released online, hot off the press, are these beautiful images of our dear Maknae, taken for the recent “The Face Shop” promotions that she so ably helmed.

It certainly looks like Seohyun will soon rival Yoona in the CF promotion stakes if these recent photo images are anything to go by :lol:.

Beautifully taken and gorgeously framed, they are certainly eye-catching enough to cause one to take a second look at the products advertised (in this instance, facial care items from the “Face Shop” range).

It certainly looks like our favourite Maknae has grown up and blossomed into an angelically elegant lady indeed ;). One wonders why the Singapore outlet of this cosmetic brand still refuses to use her images in their stores here ?!! (Maybe they are afraid it’ll get stolen the moment the adverts are put on display in the shop windows, she’s that adorable, no 🙂 ?)

Anyway, Seomates rejoice, for here are the images for you to spazz over. Cheers !

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by: Kenneth@snsdkorean

sources: The Face Shop, Andrea[SONEms.net], devilbryan1@soshified.com